Welcome to my Tutorial Showcase

Welcome to my tutorial Showcase blog , which features my latest tutorials notices and showcases tutorials featuring my scraps and nutterings. If you are looking for my masks, templates or scrap kits these can be found on butterflyflutterby creations Scrap and my Tutorials can be found at Butterflyflutterby Creations Tutorials which are kindly hosted by weescottslass

Tuesday, 6 October 2009

Good Girl Bad Girl has been Punk'd & an Exclusive

I’m still in shock and totally thrilled  to have received this  show off of my good girl gone bad scrap kit, Not  only because it’s a  stunning tag from Manda ( Amanda Fontaine)  BUT have you seen the girl  featured in the Tag it’s a new  tube  freshly designed by Amanda and  I’m thrilled to say drawn and inspired by kit. I totally love this new style  Amanda is drawing in and  cant wait to be able to get my hands on her to play with myself. Hopefully they will be on sale soon.
If you haven't stopped by Amanda blog  you should it has all the latest info on her tubes  scrap kits and just a fun place to stalk .. Made by Manda  she's also written a  very kind  write up about the tag  made me blush and i am very proud to be her no 1 UL   thrilled with this honour  and you cant wipe the smile of my face 

1 comment:

  1. that is awsome Butter . Congrats and yes a wonderful tube indeed can't wait too play with it. Nat
